缪斯国际创意大奖(Muse Creative Awards)由美国博物馆联盟(AAM)与美国国际奖项协会(IAA)主办,是全球创意领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一,该奖项每年评选一次,表彰在视觉传播艺术方面有卓越成就的艺术家。评审标准包括学术、社区、创意、创新、教育、包容性等方面。
Beijing Bofly Design Walks Away Victorious in the 2021 MUSE Design Awards. The 2021 MUSE Creative Awards and MUSE Design Awards have officially drawn to a close, after officially announcing the winners. With over 3942 entries entered from all over the world, the competition has shown itself to be one of the leading programs in honoring creative and design excellence.
The MUSE Awards is a series of international competitions hosted by the International Awards Associate(IAA), catering to professionals from various industries in hopes of promoting excellence in their respective fields. IAA ensures impartiality and strict assessment criteria by setting up a jury made up of industry professionals who exhibit high standards of excellence. In turn, the jury would select a new wave of excellent individuals or organizations, who would likely set new benchmarks in their fields.
Jurors numbered as many as 44, found world wide from 23 countries. Every single entry is evaluated using standards found in their respective industries to ensure impartiality, blind judging is exercised, and jurors are only able to assess each entry purely on its own merits.